For the many adults suffering from chronic muscle pain, Dr. Michael Orefice of Active Health in Milford, Connecticut can provide the relief you’re seeking. Dr. Mike is full-body certified in the patented, Active Release Techniques® (ART), a hands-on approach to treating many types of pain and conditions related to soft tissue injuries. Learn more about this innovative, highly effective pain-relief technique by calling or scheduling a consultation using the online booking system.

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What is Active Release Techniques?

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a state-of-the-art, patented system designed to treat issues involving all the soft tissues in your body, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and related nerves.

The system was developed and patented by Dr. P. Michael Leahy, a chiropractor who noticed that his patients’ symptoms were related to changes he felt in their soft tissue. Dr. Leahy observed how soft tissue responded to different types of treatment, and as a result, resolved more than 90% of his patients’ injuries and problems.

ART is particularly successful as a sports injury therapy that soothes tension and pain while aiding the body’s healing ability and increasing mobility in the affected area. Each ART session is a combination of an exam and treatment.

What can I expect during an ART treatment?

During an ART treatment session, Dr. Mike uses this hands-on approach to evaluate the texture, tightness, and movement of your muscles and other soft tissues. He treats the injured tissue by directing tension and specific, customized movements that will help your condition.

Overall, there are more than 500 movements that are unique to ART.

What conditions can be treated with Active Release Techniques?

ART is helpful in evaluating and treating numerous soft tissue injuries and chronic conditions. Some of the most common problems that Dr. Mike treats with ART include the following:

As with most of Dr. Mike’s natural treatment options, he uses a combination of treatments and therapies that will work best for your specific condition, including chiropractic adjustments, Graston Technique® therapy, and exercises. At Active Health, there’s no such thing as a cookie-cutter approach to treatment plans.

To learn more about Active Release Techniques, or any other specialized therapy that Dr. Mike offers to patients of all ages in Milford and the surrounding areas, call the office or schedule a consultation using the online booking system.